With funding from the University of California Office of the President, the Division of Student Affairs and the Office Undergraduate Education operate an undergraduate internship program called the Student Success Internship. The internships are centered on the UC Merced campus or its satellite locations. Participating departments design new and meaningful internship projects and designate a supervisor-mentor to guide and support the intern as they undertake professional and institutionally meaningful projects in lieu of positions that can be viewed as campus student employment.
Now, in its 10th year, the Student Success Internship program is again able to fund 30 undergraduate experiences. Funding is awarded through the Office of Financial Aid and Scholarships as a student stipend and will be added to student financial aid award.
-A Student Success Internship submission needs to be a new project-based experience and may not replace, or replicate existing student employment position(s).
-Additionally, the SSI program is not intended to supplement student employment positions that are currently funded from your department, grants or alternative funding sources.
-Project submissions will be disqualified if it is an existing or previous student employment position and is currently funded through existing funding.
-The experiences must be project-based and may not replace or replicate existing student employment positions.
-The project must have clearly defined learning objectives and goals related to the project and integration of the student’s learning.
-A selection committee approves all projects.
-It is expected that students will dedicate 10-15 hours per week working on their projects.
-Projects are expected to be completed within 6-8 months. The SSI program operates between September 2023 through April 2024.
The call for project proposals for the 2024-25 year is now open. Click the link to submit a proposal: https://ucmerced.az1.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_3TPHqPSl4uIYXk2
The deadline to submit a proposal is Thurs., August 29th, 2024 at 5:00 pm (PST)
Read more about previous project programs:
April 2016 - http://panorama.ucmerced.edu/news/internship-program-enhances-students-academic-experiences